Services > Information security
Safety audit
If your company has an annual income in excess of 1.5 million dollars, it has reached the ’entry level’ of eavesdropping. During the safety audit we will measure your company’s risks and inspect the critical premises. If we happen to find any sign or device that can be linked to eavesdropping, illegal intelligence gathering can be considered proven. If our search result does not reveal any sign of an intention to obtain information, the cause of a possible leakage should be searched elsewhere.
As a rule, we have 8-10 suitcases of equipment on the site to be examined to professionally clear a particular area. The process itself might take up to 7-8 hours. Our activity is strictly regulated. It can only be performed if we have a licence issued by the military technology department of the Hungarian Department of Trade (MKEH).
If the result of the clearing procedure is positive, we will remove the device identified and will see to it that an additional information leakage will be much less likely to occur in the future.
Consultation on the security of information
The improvement of technology has opened up new avenues of possibilities for both eavesdropping and the countermeasures to prevent it. Having an expertise and thorough knowledge of a particular line of business, we have, in the past, been able to form a strong a bond with our clients. As a result, they now consider our opinion reliable in other security-related topics as well.